Reconnecting to the Maker

Irma Sophia in her sewing studio in her house. Cuidad Vieja, Guatemala

Irma Sophia in her sewing studio in her house. Cuidad Vieja, Guatemala

Our shopping habits as a society have become so mindless. We're disconnected from the maker of our products, from the materials, from the humanity behind our clothes. When we shop, we just think about the future of the garment, how it will fit into our wardrobe, potential places to wear it, how it will fit our bodies. We've been conditioned to just buy without thinking about the origin: Who constructed my garment? How were they treated in their work environment? Were they paid fairly? Were they safe? Could they use the bathroom? Where they children? How were they treated?

These questions can be daunting and it seems easier to sweep them under the rug, and many people do. But in our current political atmosphere where we are fighting for rights, for voices to be heard, for respect and change, where we are fighting for the underdog, we are fighting for respect of women... shouldn't we fight for the rights of the people who made the clothes on our backs?

We might not realize it but we wear their stories everyday... so they are a part of us. If we start to think of their stories, as a part of ours- our purchasing habits will change. We will start looking at the label and seeing where it was made. We will start doing our research and looking at the impact of that garment beyond the fact that it is cute.

Choosing to support ethically made clothing is not always the easiest choice. There is a balance and it takes time make intentional decisions. But it is that intentionality that will change everything.


Fast Fashion + Feminism


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